Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Not a Failure

Just got my Midterms back. I got all B's and 2 C+'s. Im so happy.
Palmtree :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nightmare = to Reality?

Dear Midterms,
I dreamed about you last night. Worst nightmare ever. Then, I woke up and realized I never slept. Reality Check! ... and it Sucks!
Palmtree :(

Pass Pass Pass Pass....

Dear Math Midterm,
Don't fail me now. I have studied so long for this moment. Please be common sense, please be common sense, please be common sense....
Palmtree   :/

Monday, January 23, 2012


Officially loosing the battle between Acne vs. My Face.... Stupid commercials. Proactive. doesn't work unless you have make up artists touching you up before the photo shoot.
Don't try this at home kids.

About to Die. Dying. Dead...

Dear Midterms,
Your slowly drowning me in the knowledge I wish I knew. Ill be dead before you face me physically.
Palmtree :)

Beginner. Newbie. Blah Blah Blah

Hi Im new to the blogging atmosphere. Bare with me.
Palmtree :)